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2021 + Exciting Announcement!

2021 + Exciting Announcement!

Phew! It's 2021! Happy New Year!! (What a crazy year 2020 was) I hope that you and your loved ones have been OK during this time. I wish you nothing but an abundance of love, health and happiness for the year ahead! If you've been with me for a while then you know...

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Kapha Lifestyle Recommendations

Kapha Lifestyle Recommendations

In the last post we learnt about the Kapha Dosha and how to balance it through nutrition, so if you didn’t read that one, make sure to go back so you’re all caught up! This week I’m going to give you some lifestyle recommendations that will help pacify Kapha, so let’s...

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Vata Daily Routine

Vata Daily Routine

If you want to bring about change in the mind, body and soul then a daily routine is absolutely necessary. Routine helps us balance our Ayurvedic constitution (remember Vata, Pita & Kapha?) and also regulates our body clock, aids digestion, absorption, creates...

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Vata Lifestyle Recommendations

Vata Lifestyle Recommendations

Ayurveda recommends the principle of opposites for reducing the level of a dosha that has become aggravated. Since we’re still on Vata and the characteristics of Vata include dryness, coolness, roughness, lightness and constant motion, qualities that are opposite to...

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Balancing the Vata Dosha

Balancing the Vata Dosha

After learning alllll about the Pitta constitution, here we are, on 2 out of 3 of the Ayurvedic Doshas, Vata. Hands up if you are Vata like me? Hands up if you didn’t do a Dohsa quiz and you have no idea? – that’s OK, if this is the case, go back and read this blog...

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Easy Homemade Sanitiser!

Easy Homemade Sanitiser!

We’ve been going strong, learning about Ayurveda and the Pitta dosha the past few weeks, though this week I thought we’d take a little break so that I can give you this homemade hand sanitiser recipe instead! Honestly, this DIY sanitiser saved me a while back when we...

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A Pitta Pacifying Morning Routine

A Pitta Pacifying Morning Routine

We've learnt a lot about Pitta types over the past few weeks, but before we move onto the other Dosha's here's 6 things a Pitta can add to their morning routine to pacify and cool a fiery Pitta type Note: if you haven't read the last few blogs and have no idea what...

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Pitta Lifestyle Recommendations

Pitta Lifestyle Recommendations

Last week we learnt a lot about the Pitta Dosha and the types of foods that cool and pacify a Pitta predominant constitution. This week we’ll look at some life style recommendations that Ayurveda suggests for Pitta types.     The aim here is to cool the fire...

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Balance the Pitta Dosha

Balance the Pitta Dosha

Last week we learnt about the Ayurvedic Doshas and then, hopefully, you found out your Ayurvedic constitution- if you didn’t already know and did the test I suggested. If you haven’t read that one, go back to last weeks blog post and have a read so you’re up to date....

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Back to Reality

Back to Reality

After some time away, I’m back on the grid! And what a different world it is to when I left you last time!! Yep, in early Feb, I escaped Hong Kong and the corona virus that had kicked off on this side of Asia and I went to Bali to do my advanced 300hr Yoga Teacher...

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Why I’m going off grid for a month

Why I’m going off grid for a month

So you may have noticed that you didn't hear from me last week...Well, that's because things are kinda crazy in Hong Kong (and a lot of other places around the globe) at the moment and I decided to escape the madness, book a last minute flight to Bali and do a 300...

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Top Podcasts

Top Podcasts

Love to listen? I loooove a podcast or an audio book - it makes for an interesting commute and makes washing the dishes and doing mundane housework somewhat enjoyable. I love to learn and frankly just don’t have the time to sit and read as much as I’d like (even...

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Wheel of Life Part 2

Wheel of Life Part 2

Remember the Life Wheel a couple of weeks ago? If not, go back two posts ago and have a read – Here’s the link just in case So, did you look at your Life Wheel? Did you score your satisfaction in all areas of life,...

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Australian Bushfires

Australian Bushfires

Australian or not, you’ve probably seen and heard about the bushfires that have devastated the nation. Since the start of this fire season in 2019 – according to Wiki – the wildfires have burnt over 186 million hectares of land, destroyed almost 6,000 buildings (over...

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The Wheel of Life

The Wheel of Life

How happy are you, really? I mean, are you happy in every aspect of life?? I'm generally a very happy person, but I still like to check in and seriously ask myself this question every few months - kinda keeps me on track and inspires me to not settle for mediocre -...

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Your Word for 2020

Your Word for 2020

Happy Holidays and a very Happy New Year!! I hope you’ve enjoyed some well-deserved time off and spent some quality time with your loved ones during the festive season. Did you finish 2019 strong? Are you ready to start 2020 and this new decade even stronger?? Have...

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Don’t Play Too Small – Dream BIG

Don’t Play Too Small – Dream BIG

With the New Year approaching, many of us are probably setting goals for 2020 – Great! But what are those goals and what if I told you you’re aiming too low and you’re capable of soooo much more? Here’s the thing, most people don’t aim high enough when it comes to...

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Immune System Hack!

Immune System Hack!

I’m sure you’ve heard of The Iceman by now - the crazy, old, Dutch man who does super human things like climbing Mt Everest in his jocks? If you haven’t heard of Wim Hof then it might be time to look into him and his world famous techniques. I personally had seen him...

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Creating Abundance

Creating Abundance

Last month I completed a 21 Day Abundance Meditation challenge lead by Deepak Chopra himself! I found it so great that I want to sing it’s praises and share all the value with you today.. Now it’s unlikely you’d be wondering who Deepak Chopra is, but if for some...

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End the Year Strong

End the Year Strong

So in a few days it’s December, which means 2019 is almost over and it’s the time of year where we usually make the worst decisions when it comes to our health and wellness. Yes, it’s that very merry time of year where Christmas parties and social gatherings flood our...

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Natural Energy Boosters

Natural Energy Boosters

In this day and age, most of us run fairly busy and demanding lifestyles, so it’s natural for us to feel tired, exhausted and take any help we can get along the way. The problem is, that a lot of these quick fixes many of us use in our day to day lives to get us...

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Easy Ways to Balance Chakras

Easy Ways to Balance Chakras

Last week we learnt all about the 7 main Chakras - if you haven’t read it go back and do it as this will make a lot more sense! – So assuming you have, let’s cut straight to it and go over some of my favourite ways to balance and (my brother is going to get such kicks...

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Intro to The 7 Chakras

Intro to The 7 Chakras

Last week we learnt a bit about Mother Earth’s Chakras and her special energy vortex where Bali lays. This week we’re covering the chakras of the body and I’ll give you some tips on how to balance these out. Chakras are energy centres and the word chakra is Sanskrit...

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Bali Bliss

Bali Bliss

If you’ve been to Bali before then you can probably agree with me when I say that it’s a slice of heaven on earth. And for good reason… I sit here writing this, overlooking rice paddy fields, palm trees and my pool with a reclined Buddha at my Yoga retreat in Ubud -...

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My DIY Chemical free household cleaner

My DIY Chemical free household cleaner

After hearing all about my new fav household necessity - the oil diffuser, how essential oils have given my home a spa like vibe and helped my skin, I’ll continue on with my essential oil journey because I’m dying to tell you how I’ve made a 100% natural household...

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Amazing Skin with Essential Oils

Amazing Skin with Essential Oils

I’m excited to continue to share my essential oil journey with you this week! Last week you heard allll about my new therapeutic oil diffuser and how it’s helped me in numerous ways. Today you’re going to hear all about how I’ve used the oils topically on my skin! As...

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Why I love my oil diffuser

Why I love my oil diffuser

So I’ve been really into my essential oils recently and I wanted to share with you how I’ve incorporated them into my daily life! A couple of weeks ago I bought a therapeutic grade oil diffuser that came with 11 of the finest essential oils! I thought I would be...

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Rich Dad Poor Dad Lessons Pt 2

Rich Dad Poor Dad Lessons Pt 2

Let’s waste no time, jump straight back into the Rich Dad, Poor Dad summery and continue on with the big ideas Robert Kiyosaki addresses in his book, as we’ve got a lot to get through today! You don’t need to earn a high income to be rich - it doesn’t matter how much...

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Rich Dad Poor Dad Lessons

Rich Dad Poor Dad Lessons

I know last week I sent you a reminder of our immortality and this gift we call life but I’ve just finished another book and this one happens to be the #1 personal finance book of all time! –Rich Dad Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki. Now I know money doesn’t create...

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Near Death Experience Lessons

Near Death Experience Lessons

Today I want to send you a reminder. A reminder that this precious thing we call life is short and can be taken away from us at any moment… I’m writing this only a few hours after I was reminded of just that. Woah heavy, I know, but let me rewind a bit… One of my...

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Stop Procrastinating!

Stop Procrastinating!

Let’s chat about procrastination. We’re all guilty of it! Whether your personality type is the thrill-seeker type that waits until the last minute to get that rush or you’re an avoider that puts off tasks because of fear and what people may think of you OR you might...

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Easing Allergies Naturally Pt 2

Easing Allergies Naturally Pt 2

Carrying on from last week, I have some more natural tips for easing allergies- yay, less sneezing - So let’s get straight into it! Don’t go easy on the garlic! – Garlic is a great natural immune booster which can help the bod’s allergic reaction to pollen grains, so...

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Easing Allergies Naturally

Easing Allergies Naturally

For the past couple of weeks I was in gorgeous France! With the sight as beautiful as it was, my sinuses didn’t agree so much. I was sneezing A LOT. So, this got me thinking about what I can do with allergies- apart from popping a pill. Here are some natural tips if...

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Sleep And Elite Performance

Sleep And Elite Performance

And here it is, the final week of The 5am Club book summary! Let’s delve into what it says about sleep, rest and relaxation… EMBRACING SLEEP AND THE “TWIN-CYCLE OF ELITE PERFORMANCE” Studies show that sleep is a key factor when it comes to predicting one’s life...

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20/20/20 Formula

20/20/20 Formula

OK, this is the third week of the book summary The 5am Club –Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life by Robin Sharma. I know, I know, I’ve been yapping on about this book for weeks now but there’s just too much info for one or two newsletters! BUT, today is the day you...

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The 5am Club Pt 2

The 5am Club Pt 2

Did you apply anything from last week’s newsletter and try waking up earlier for a morning routine that will set you up for success? If not, not to worry! I have some more inspo coming at you from The 5am Club – Own your Morning, Elevate Your Life, by Robin Sharma,...

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The 5am Club Pt 1

The 5am Club Pt 1

I have another great book summary for you! I’ve just finished The 5am Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life, by Robin Sharma and I just couldn’t keep his teachings from you! Robin Sharma is a leadership expert, humanitarian and a bestselling author. The 5am Club...

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Life Principles Pt 2

Life Principles Pt 2

3. Be Radically Open Minded 3.1 Recognise your two barriers: your ego and your blind spots. Those who adapt do so by: Teaching their brains to work in a way that doesn’t come naturally (like the creative designing an organisation system). Using compensating mechanisms...

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Life Principles Pt 1

Life Principles Pt 1

I’m currently reading a great book Principles, by Ray Dalio. In this book, holds a set of rules for work and life of billionaire investor and CEO of Bridgewater Associations- the largest and most successful hedge fund in history- Ray Dalio. I believe the life lessons...

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Green Thirsty Thursday Part 2

Green Thirsty Thursday Part 2

Happy thirsty Thursday! Did you drink up all the green goodness this past week? If so, I’d love to hear your journey and how it made you feel! And if last week’s newsletter wasn’t enough to convince you, then perhaps this one might do the job. After all, it’s hard to...

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Green Thirsty Thursday

Green Thirsty Thursday

Any of you who follow me on Instagram and watch my stories (if you’re not, find me @elev8life_with_paige) would know that I have been juicing every day for the past week. And WOW, I cannot truly express how great this has made me feel in words - it’s kinda one of...

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Travel Tips

Travel Tips

For most of us summer is just about to start YAY! And for some of us that means jet setting overseas or travelling in your home country for the holidays. So in preparation, I’ve prepared a list of tips that could help you in your travels. Drink water, not alcohol to...

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Go Eco Part 2

Go Eco Part 2

How was your week of being a little more eco conscious? This week I’m going to give you 5 more super simple steps you can take (if you’re not already doing so) to help the health of Mother Earth. Fix it, don’t throw it -This is something we don’t do enough of these...

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Go Eco

Go Eco

Did you know yesterday was World Environment Day? In honour of this and Mother Earth, who provides us a home and all our necessities, this week I’m going to go over a few simple steps you can take to be more eco-friendly. Now, you might already be doing all of these...

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If you’re into personal growth and being the best version of you (and I think you are, otherwise you wouldn’t be here reading this) then I’m sure you’ve heard of Tony Robbins. He has touched and changed millions of lives and is probably one of the most influential and...

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Happiness Hacks Part 2

Happiness Hacks Part 2

Last week we went through a couple of my fav happiness hacks that I learnt from Ekhart Tolle and Dean Graziosi and I got so much feedback on this (if you missed it, hit reply and let me know so I can send it) that I decided to do another week of happiness hacks! :D...

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Happiness Hacks

Happiness Hacks

In a busy and sometimes stressful world it can be easy to get caught up in all the things that are going wrong - especially when something doesn’t go the way you planned. We get caught up in our emotions and thoughts and the next thing we know we seem to be caught in...

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The Importance of Stretching

The Importance of Stretching

Many of my clients recently have been requesting more and more yoga and stretching sessions. Some have practiced before and want to deepen their practice with specific goals in mind and others are very active but have never stretched or incorporated it into their...

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Power of Pressure Points Part 2

Power of Pressure Points Part 2

Last week we learnt about some powerful pressure points to help us with all sorts of things. In fact, we have so many pressure points that I just had to do another week of pressure points! They’re really so beneficial and can help in a number of ways, so here is 6...

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Power of Pressure Points

Power of Pressure Points

We all have magical points built into our bodies that can relieve pain, reduce stress and boost our energy. Pretty incredible that we can do all this just by a touch of a finger or a squeeze of a fist, so this week I thought we should learn how to use some of them so...

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Simple Graceful Ageing

Simple Graceful Ageing

All this talk on longevity the past couple of weeks has got me thinking about ageing and what we can do to ‘age more gracefully’. So here are some easy and simple tips that we can all do (old or young) to help with that... Stay hydrated - Did you know that the older...

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Secrets to Longevity Continued

Secrets to Longevity Continued

After visiting my 95 year old Nanny in Australia this week, I’m so inspired and excited to continue on from last week’s newsletter on longevity! So here are some more secrets on living longer.. Meditate – There are soooo many benefits of doing this but when it comes...

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Secrets to longevity

Secrets to longevity

I’m assuming most of us want to be around for a while and live to be a ripe old age – I know I do! So this week I’m giving you a list of science based tips of living a long and healthy life... Be curious – Science has found that curious people are 30% less likely to...

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Weight Loss Tips You Mightn’t Have Heard

Weight Loss Tips You Mightn’t Have Heard

I hope you’ve had a happy and healthy week! I know for a lot of us summer is coming and we’re thinking about that beach bod again. So, this week I’ve laid down 5 weight loss tips you might not have heard before! Here we go… Swap coffee for tea - Studies show that...

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Cold and Flu Feel Goods

Cold and Flu Feel Goods

Hope you didn’t catch my cold last week and you’re feeling happy and healthy. I’m well and truly over it now and to be honest, I didn’t fall too hard because I did all the things in last week’s newsletter, plus more! So, let’s go over some more things that helped me...

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Cold Natural Remedies

Cold Natural Remedies

I hope you’re having a great week and feeling better than I am! Unluckily, I caught a post-holiday cold (probably from one of my recent flights) and like most of us, I’ve had to get on with life. Luckily there are so many natural remedies, gifted from Mother Nature to...

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Massage Miracles

Massage Miracles

This week I’d like to remind you about how important it is to care for yourself by taking some time out to just RELAX. There are so many different ways to do this but one of my favs and also one of the most beneficial for the mind and bod is MASSAGE. I’m in Bali this...

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Chemical Free Cleaning

Chemical Free Cleaning

Yesterday my sweet little injured cat that I’ve been keeping inside for the past couple of days decided to kindly go to the toilet on my bed - yes, such a lovely surprise. Lucky I had this fresh cleaning experience, with my natural household products, to inspired me...

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Natural Skin Care Hacks

Natural Skin Care Hacks

Did you know that over the past 100 years, thousands of chemicals have been introduced to our society due to the industrial chemical revolution? 80,000 chemicals are on the market in the USA today and are in almost everything we buy from the materials used to build...

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Yin Excess

Yin Excess

Last week I told you about my Traditional Chinese Medicine experience, my excess ‘Yang’ condition and findings on my TCM journey. So as promised, this week I’ll cover the other side, Yin - or it just wouldn’t be whole would it? 😉 Yin represents the energy that cools...

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Yang Imbalances

Yang Imbalances

This year I decided to see a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Practitioner here in Hong Kong, to see if she could help with my adult acne (something I’ll fully cover in another newsletter) that I’ve been dealing with for the past few years. After seeing her for a...

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What the Mind Believes, the Body Achieves!

What the Mind Believes, the Body Achieves!

Did you know that the brain doesn’t know the difference between what it sees through the lens of our eyes and mental visualisation? Yep, brain studies show that thoughts produce the same mental instructions as actions. Mental practices can enhance motivation, increase...

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The 80/20 Rule For Weight Loss

The 80/20 Rule For Weight Loss

During my NLP training, my coach introduced a new concept to me – The 80/20 Rule aka The Pareto Principle. It’s something that really stuck with me and now I apply it to all areas of life. What is the 80/20 rule? Originally, the 80/20rule (Pareto Principle) referred...

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Decision Making

Decision Making

Are you tying to make a decision atm but have fingers & toes pointing in all directions? Or have you ever tried to make a decision but all the possibilities and outcomes were so confusing for the mind, that you just ended up with spaghetti brain and wasted a load of...

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Achieve More By Doing Less!

Achieve More By Doing Less!

It’s a common misconception that we have to do more and work hard to achieve success. A lot of the time we exert too much energy and effort on things that aren’t necessarily personally meaningful to us. So, in this newsletter I want to break the misconception of ‘do...

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Goal Success Forever

Goal Success Forever

Happy New Year!! Wow, it’s 2019 already and we have the whole year in front of us. At this stage, so early on in the game, we're motivated and determined to achieve all the goals we’ve set for the year ahead. But let’s be honest, how many times have you set a goal and...

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SMART Goal Setting for 2019

SMART Goal Setting for 2019

I hope you’re enjoying some time off and having happy holidays! It’s that time of the year where we reflect on the year that just passed, we begin to think about the year ahead and start setting goals and New Year resolutions. Last year, on New Year’s Eve, a person I...

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How To Hold Space For Yoursel

How To Hold Space For Yoursel

Last week I told you why I think being busy is totally overrated and bad for your health and wellbeing. Let’s face it, we’re not meant to be constantly stimulated by structured activities until we pass out at the end of the day. You’re asking for physical and mental...

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Why Being Busy Is Overrated

Why Being Busy Is Overrated

You've probably noticed you haven't received a newsletter from me in a couple of weeks…This is because I've been head-over-heels busy! Yep, I said it –along with everyone else- the most over used word of this day and age - 'busy'. I feel we use it almost like a badge...

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Natural Energy Boosters

Weight-Loss Tips For Busy Peeps

I know we’re all super busy, especially approaching the end of the year and coming into holiday season, but that doesn’t mean we should put our health last and only try to lose weight ‘when we have time’, because let’s face it, there’s always going to be another...

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The Magic Of Mushrooms: Medicinal Mushies

The Magic Of Mushrooms: Medicinal Mushies

Last week we went through some of the super powers mushrooms possess and this week I’m going to cover some more, especially when it comes to medicinal mushrooms and how we can regularly incorporate these into our diet. So let’s look at some of the most popular...

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Mushroom Superpowers

Mushroom Superpowers

Today I want to share with you some of the superpowers mushrooms have. This is a massive topic and can get pretty sciencey, so for this week we will talk just about the effects it has on our bodies, without getting toooo sciencey on you and without going into how it...

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Science Vs Vegans

Science Vs Vegans

In honour of World Vegan Day today (yes, there’s now a day for this! Every 1st of Nov) we’re going to cover a few of the big questions most people have when it comes to ‘veganism’. I will be referencing from one of my favourite podcasts ‘Science Vs’, and in this...

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5 Benefits Of Getting Your Daily Dose Of Sunshine

5 Benefits Of Getting Your Daily Dose Of Sunshine

A couple of posts ago I spoke a little bit about why I choose to not wear a lot of sunscreen and cover myself head to toe when out in the sun - if you haven’t read that post here’s the link: Today...

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Detox Myths

Detox Myths

There are loads of detoxes and cleansing regimens out there that are designed to remove toxins from your body and help you lose weight. The detox industry is making millions of dollars saying that you are taking toxins into your body everyday - from pollution, to...

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Big Belly, Small Brain. Food For Thought

Big Belly, Small Brain. Food For Thought

It’s a lot easier to achieve your goals, have good relationships and be happy in life if you have a healthy brain. You know, what they say is true! ‘Big belly, small brain’. No really, it sounds crazy but when you gain weight the actual size of your brain decreases!...

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What’s All The FAST About?

What’s All The FAST About?

Ok, so you may have heard about people starting to fast more and more here in the western world and think those that do are a little crazy to let themselves feel hungry and 'deprived' of food for a certain amount of time when it's so readily available to us nowadays....

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The 5 Habits Cheat Sheet

The 5 Habits Cheat Sheet

This week I've created a little cheat sheet for you with 5 healthy habits and questions you can ask yourself that will help with calorie control, nutrient timing and food selection. So lets get straight to it! Ask yourself the following... Are you eating slowly? Check...

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Superfoods Checklist

Superfoods Checklist

Here's a list of 20 superfoods you should be eating regularly! I would like you to go through this checklist and markdown what you already have in your house and how often you eat these... PROTIENS Lean red meat (grass fed preferred) Salmon (wild caught preferred)...

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Why Diets DON’T WORK

Why Diets DON’T WORK

Have you ever gone on a diet only to find that you lost the weight and then gained it all back on, plus some more? That’s because DIETS DON’T WORK and here are a few reasons why… Diets can cause weight gain in the long run - Research shows that about 95% of people who...

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Brain Training for Weight Loss!

Brain Training for Weight Loss!

Our cognitive function directly affects our food choices. When it isn’t at its peak we make snap decisions This is why I’ve made a list of suggestions to help you build your mental strength this week. Create a vision board - A vision board is a place where you put...

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5 Things Mentally Strong People DON’T DO!

5 Things Mentally Strong People DON’T DO!

Last week we went over some of things that mentally strong people do. This week we’re going to look at what they DON’T DO. Incorporating their dos and avoiding their don’ts will give you clarity on what you should be focusing your thoughts and energy on and help you...

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Power Of The Mind – Set Yourself Up For Success!

Power Of The Mind – Set Yourself Up For Success!

The most powerful tool we have access to is our mind. It’s what makes us unique as individuals and as a species. It’s the thought behind every action that creates our reality and the life we live today. Most of us today identify ourselves by our outer shell – our body...

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Belly Fat- Foods To Add!

Belly Fat- Foods To Add!

How did you go with avoiding the foods I talked about last week? It may not seem like much but focusing on small changes at a time is less overwhelming and will help you become more successful in the long run! We have to remember ‘you are what you eat’. Such a massive...

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Belly Fat- Foods To Avoid!

Belly Fat- Foods To Avoid!

Today I want to talk about belly fat… Have you ever adopted a regular exercise regime and healthy eating habits, lost weight but couldn’t quite get rid of that remaining belly fat? It’s very common, don’t worry! If you’re trying to get a flat stomach, the first thing...

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Eating For Your Body Type

Eating For Your Body Type

We’re all different and one type of eating plan may not work so well for a specific body type. This is why we need to be aware of what type we are roughly, so we can get the best results in the future. Here are the three main body types Ectomorph – Naturally thin with...

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